Accelerate your

Looking for a sign? This is it


into existence and emerge as the architect of your reality in just 8 weeks.

tired of the same old, same old? let's change that!

It looks like…

We don’t get what we want; we get who we are. Meaning if you want to manifest what you want, you need to shift your identity by breaking free from the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. 

But this is why it happens...

If you're feeling like you're at a standstill, as if the life you're living is just a shadow of what it could be, you're not alone.

Repeatedly being in relationships that end in the same negative pattern.

Frequently changing jobs but always ends up dissatisfied.

Constantly struggling with debt or making money but spending it as fast.

Struggles with yo-yo dieting, losing weight only to regain it shortly after.

Keep reading to learn how you can fast-track your quantum expansion and live your wildest dreams in the blink of an eye!

Isn't it time your external world matched the expansive vision you hold inside??  Read on!

The risk of remaining shackled by unseen forces, patterns, and beliefs that do not serve your highest intentions is all too real. 

If you don't confront these hidden adversaries, you may find yourself looking back with regret, wondering what might have been if you had only dared to step into your true power.

The warning is as clear as it is sincere: without addressing the root causes of your stagnation and without realigning with the universal principles of expansion, your potential may remain just beyond reach, always a mirage, never a reality. 

Ignoring this misalignment can lead to a future where you're not just stagnant, but where you've drifted even further from your desired state of being. 

Many believe that the path to massive quantum leaps is either by just wishing or through force—by pushing, doing more, striving, and struggling. 

But the real culprit here is not a lack of hope or effort; it's the misalignment with the fundamental laws that govern personal growth and fulfillment. It's a disconnect between one's deepest aspirations and their day-to-day experiences.

You may feel trapped in an existence that's out of sync with your true potential, and that's a painful reality to confront.

Sarah A.

"Literally after I burned that slip of paper, I had one client project quote get accepted and paid. And, another person emailed me to move forward on a project starting in October."

"That’s another $20k right there."

Lucy V.

“One of my coaches told me to “just get over it already” regarding one of my limiting beliefs… but if I could think my way out of it, I obviously would have done that by now! Working with Marci has been an incredible journey of uncovering, unlocking and releasing my limiting beliefs, fears, and reconnecting to my self-worth and power!”

"I have spent a LOTTTTT of time doing mindset work and personal development."

Plus…when you master this you’ll step into a life where your very essence becomes the catalyst for change.

Provide the tools and knowledge to maintain your transformation through life's ebbs and flows.

Support you in embodying your transformation, impacting every aspect of your life—from career to relationships.

Offer clarity and direction, mapping your path to success while highlighting areas you can't yet see.

Turning your visions into reality begins with who you are, not what you want. Your journey to change must:

Provide a space for pivotal energy shifts, allowing you to release patterns quickly that no longer serve you.

Ensure that change is not just an external achievement, but an internal transformation.

Fuse seamlessly with your identity, shaping a reality that's uniquely yours.

Move beyond conceptual knowledge and into physical experience, anchoring change within your body.

Utilize the wisdom of your body to release old patterns you’ve been repeating for years and embrace new possibilities.

Align your energetic body with your goals, clearing blockages and enhancing flow.

Apply the principles of quantum energetics to become a beacon for the results you seek.

Learn to emit the frequency that resonates with your aspirations, drawing them toward you.

Shift from fate to destiny, from compulsion to choice, with your inner guidance leading the way.

When you enroll you’ll:


introducing... Quantum Expansion 

Attract opportunities and experiences that you never thought were possible, making what once felt out of reach a part of your everyday life.

By the end of Quantum Expansion you'll...

Collapse time making what you desire a part of your reality much quicker than before. 

Gain massive clarity on how to apply this for anything you want. 

Experience a profound shift in your daily existence, and become the architect of your reality.

+ Priming Your Nervous System to Hold Your Desires
+ The Importance of a Regulated Nervous System
+ The Vagus Nerve & Its Role in Gut Health & Intuition
+ Experiential Healing: Peace Process
+ Experiential Healing: Strengthening Your Vagus Nerve
+ Experiential Healing: Somatic Shaking Practice
+ Nervous System Checklist

Regulating Your Nervous System

module four

if your nervous system is dYsregulated, you'll struggle to hold the capacity for more.

+ The Power of the Present Moment 
+ You Are Not Your Beliefs or Your Thoughts
+ Emotions= Energy in Motion
+ Experiential Healing: Journey to Your Inner Temple Meditation
+ Experiential Healing: Forgiveness

Calibrating to Your Desired Goals

module three

We don't get what we want, we get who we are. This module focuses on calibrating to your desired goals so that you become a vibrational match for them.

+ Setting a Clear Intention to speed up your manifestations.
+ The NOW Diagnostic to assess where you're currently at so that you can become a vibrational match for what you desire. 
+ Understanding What is Between You & Your Dreams so that you have the awareness to collapse time quickly.
+ Experiential Healing: Soul Retrieval & Experiential Healing: Vow Revocation
+ The Importance of Reparenting Yourself

Setting the Course Based on Where You’re At

module two

Intention is one of the most powerful steps in manifesting while also understanding where you're currently at and why your vision board isn't on your doorstep yet!

+ The 3 Key Elements You Must Master
+ Becoming a Vibrational Match: The Basics 
+ Law of Attraction + Law of Assumption
+ The Importance of Inspired Action
+ Manifestation: Practicum
+ & more!

Your Path to Success

module one

I believe manifesting what you want starts with creating a path to success. This is what you'll discover inside Module #1:

Here's What You'll Receive

+ Five Minute Energy Cleanse Meditation
+ Abundance Subconscious Reprogramming Hypnosis
+ Radiant Physical Health Subconscious Reprogramming Hypnosis
+ Healthy Relationships Subconscious Reprogramming Hypnosis
+ Womb Healing
+ Cord Cutting Meditation
+ EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
+ Breath Work Session

Tools for Your Time Machine: Getting Back into Alignment

Healing and reprogramming our subconscious mind will rapidly speed up getting what we want. Inside this module are some powerful tools that include:

module five

+ Connect With Your Higher Self Meditation
+ Past Life Regression Meditation
+ Connect With Your Future Self Meditation
+ Timeline Jumping Meditation

Connect With Your Multidimensional Self

module SIX



+ Energetic Hygiene 101: Clearing + Shielding Your Energy
+ Owning Your Power Meditation
+ Third Eye Activation Meditation 

module Three

module four

Plus 2 LIVE Manifestation calls per month so that you can plug into the energy of the collective group. This is proven to accelerate your expansion.

When it comes to this kind of deep soul work, there’s no such thing as “one size fits all,” which is why watching The Secret or reading a book on manifesting and hoping to manifest what we want by following their steps doesn’t work. 

I’m an intuitive guide and energy alchemist; I’m an experienced, certified energy healer + coach who takes an extremely individualized, luxurious approach to my work.

I'm Marci and I'm so excited you are here!

That is why we’re going deeper, because transformation is personal. And I'm going to show how to jump timelines and manifest what you desire quickly.

You’re sick of pulling the same Tarot card that promises transformation, yet you're still stuck in the same old patterns. 

You’re done with creating vision boards that become nothing more than wall decor.

You have a massive vision or goal you’ve been trying to achieve for a while and you’re making progress but it’s slow going. 

You’re exhausted from journaling dreams that remain on paper, never turning into reality.

You know you’re meant for more but aren’t sure how to achieve it. 

Wondering if this is right for you? This is a MUST for you if …

If you want me to predict or guarantee what you'll manifest and when you'll manifest it.

If you're not ready to release, and let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. 

If you're stuck in victim mentality and you have a hard time taking radical responsibility for your life.

Who's this program NOT for?

Pay in full $1888


most savings

3 payments of $665


best value plan

6 payments of $333


low monthly plan

So if you’re *finally* ready to accelerate your dreams into existence and emerge as the architect of your reality in just 8 weeks, join NOW. 

We start june 27

Self-doubt has been replaced with a robust confidence in your skills and worth.

You now experience rapid progress, achieving goals much quicker than before.

Changes are profound and enduring, affecting all aspects of your life, ensuring you live as the best version of yourself.

to this...

Persistent self-doubt and insecurity made it difficult to pursue your dreams and aspirations.

Despite efforts, progress towards your goals was slow and often discouraging.

Relying on temporary fixes like motivational books and one-off workshops, which provided a quick boost but no lasting change.

you'll go from...

After Finishing Quantum Expansion...

What types of results have your clients experienced?


While I can't guarantee specific results for people because everyones' timeline is different, I can say by the end of the program, you will experience the shifts needed to manifest what you desire.

What results can I expect by the end of the program?


That is totally okay, there will be replays available for you. And even from the replays you'll be able to experience the energy and value.

What if I can't make all the calls live?


Quantum Expansion uniquely combines quantum theory, energy healing, and somatic practices to facilitate a profound, holistic change. It goes beyond cognitive approaches, engaging the body as an integral part of the transformation process and providing continuous group mentorship and community support.

How does This differ from other programs?


You can expect a holistic transformation that not only changes how you think but also deeply integrates these changes into your being. The program offers clarity, direction, and support as you embody your transformation across every aspect of your life, including career and relationships.

What can I expect from this program?


This program is perfect for individuals who feel stuck in repetitive patterns and are ready to make significant changes in their lives. It's ideal for those who have big dreams but struggle to see tangible progress, or for anyone who feels that their external life doesn't match their internal vision.

Who is this program for?


Have Questions? I've got Answers

My clients have experienced many blessings including finding a partner and getting married, finally getting pregnant after years of trying, making more money, finding new jobs, and improving their overall health and wellness. 

I'm in. sign me up!

It uniquely combines the latest in quantum theory, energy healing, and somatic practices to facilitate a profound change that is not just mental or emotional, but truly holistic—impacting you at every level of your being.

It goes beyond the mind to include your body as an integral part of the transformation process, with custom-tailored practices to ensure that change is deeply embodied and lasting.

This experience stands alone in its transformative power because…

don't miss this opportunity

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